Tap the counters to set the ADDition, SUBtraction, MULtiplication, and DIVision cards in the pack.
Say the fact out loud.
Say the answer, then check.
Type or tap the answer.
Randomly review:
Tap to add or remove.
Here are some tips for you:
This app allows you to teach your child addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division math facts using a pack of virtual flashcards. You have total control over which cards appear in the pack, so you can customize the learning experience for your child.
Start by including just a few cards in the pack. Once your child masters that set of cards, add new cards—other math facts—to the pack and then let your child tackle those. As the pack of cards grows in size and complexity, your child's math skills will improve.
Your child can work through the cards in four different ways, or modes:
Have multiple sessions throughout the day. The objective of most sessions should be to work through the entire pack of cards in Flashcards mode or Direct Answer mode.
Random Review can make for an interesting change of pace, but the randomness of that mode means that the cards may not be repeated in the way you configured the card pack.
Manage the card pack however best suits your child's needs. For instance, you may remove very simple math facts that have already been practiced enough. You may add multiple cards for newly introduced facts, or for facts that your child struggles with, so that those facts will appear multiple times in one session. To keep your child sharp, you may take out a few cards temporarily and put them back in a few days later. These are just a few examples.